Brand Guidelines

Susan G. Komen®
Logo Usage & Wordmarks

To maintain a unified and simplified brand identity, digital properties, social assets and print collateral should follow these brand guidelines and promote the organization in a consistent way.

Susan G. Komen Logo Guidelines

Required Legal Text:
The Running Ribbon is a registered trademark of Susan G. Komen.

Running Ribbon Logo Guidelines

  • The Running Ribbon is a stand-alone mark. It cannot be incorporated into another logo design.
  • The Running Ribbon cannot be incorporated into any created artwork, particularly where design elements are added to the Ribbon or the Ribbon is altered or deconstructed, such as by removing the head dot.
  • The Running Ribbon cannot be used as a part of a word or replace a letter in a word, like the letters ‘i’, ‘l’ or ‘o’.
  • Where the Running Ribbon icon appears, the Signature Susan G. Komen logo, or other Susan G. Komen national program logo (ex: Race for the Cure®) MUST be visible.
  • The ® symbol must never be removed from the Running Ribbon.
  • The 1-Color White Running Ribbon is the only logo used on pink and dark color backgrounds.
  • The icon should not be used for bulleted lists or other repetitive instances.
  • A white border should never be added around the Running Ribbon.

Required Legal Text:

The Running Ribbon is a registered trademark of Susan G. Komen.

Program Wordmark Guidelines

To create a consistent brand experience for our Komen community, program wordmarks follow a new set of guidelines. These guidelines highlight the program name, while keeping the relationship to the master logo consistent.